Latest bookmarks (page 11 of 115)

21 Jan
Short version: it's trained on decades-worth of advertisements that use that time because the clock hands are symmetrical and pointing upward.
18 Jan
"Westinghouse and Radiant are developing some of the world’s smallest reactors"
18 Jan
Proposed fourth law for AI/robot ethics discussions: "A robot or AI must not deceive a human by impersonating a human being."
17 Jan
Reddit version of the post where they argue that corporate capture of "dems" means that somehow the Republicans will stand up for the little guy. Downvoted into oblivion with dozens of comments wondering if they've ever *looked* at what Republicans have been doing.
17 Jan
"a look back at my 2024 explorations of the Fediverse and a preview of what is to come in 2025"
17 Jan
Principles for digital platforms to "recognize the fundamental rights of all users to participate in online spaces that respect their privacy, dignity, and well-being."
16 Jan
It's hard to describe what funding a small FOSS project *does*, especially if it's small enough that it wouldn't make sense to work on full time.
16 Jan
""This study somewhat refutes the idea that villains are a product of their experiences.” At least in fiction."