Latest bookmarks (page 1 of 98)
1 Dec
"A study published in the journal Conservation Letters reveals insights into how fish aggregating devices (FADs) could enhance the effectiveness of blue water marine protected areas."
1 Dec
"Create lists of blogs you love, and follow lists created by others...Think of BlogFlock as 'RSS feeds in public', for a web which is more curated, welcoming, and cosy than Big Tech would like us to feel. "
22 Nov
Here's an interesting map: What if national or state borders were drawn such that any given point was closer to its own capital than any other?
21 Nov
"Two hundred years after the Salem witch trials, farmers became convinced that their relatives were returning from the grave to feed on the living"
21 Nov
"Fortunately, the medieval reader had various strategies to combat book theft. Some of these appear a bit over the top to our modern eyes, while others seem not effective at all."
21 Nov
"In the beginning, print was not about perfection; it was a space for collaboration."
19 Nov
"The home computer typing tutor was such a hit that she kept getting invited for speaking engagements and interviews. Too bad she wasn't real."