Latest bookmarks (page 1 of 95)

18 Oct
I thought the whole chain had closed, but apparently there's one cafe left in Beverly Hills. It's got the same logo and the Kelly's Cappuccino looks right, at least.
18 Oct
""Transformers" are cosmic abominations. Cosmic horror not in the flesh but in the steel. These shape-shifting monstrosities are the stuff HP Lovecraft warned us about in his fictional works of the Eldritch Abominations of the Cthulhu Mythos. The only thing Lovecraft got wrong was not knowing that the abomination of old, in the vast cold void of space that see humanity as nothing more than an ant on the front porch step, are machine."
17 Oct
2009: "My Gmail and Google Apps accounts were hacked recently but I could establish my identity, Google restored access in the next three hours. Here are lessons learned and tips that might prevent your Gmail and other Google Accounts from getting hacked."
17 Oct
16 years later, and this particular Real Life comic STILL cracks me up every time I stumble on it.
17 Oct
"The coolest comic art you won't see in comic books."
17 Oct
A hat made to look like the Twitter "Fail Whale" image that used to appear when the site was overloaded.
17 Oct
"Users pay close attention to photos and other images that contain relevant information but ignore fluffy pictures used to "jazz up" web pages."
15 Oct
I *thought* I remembered "Iceweasel" being a Firefox fork somewhere along the line. In 2005, Debian rebranded it to sidestep a conflict between Mozilla's trademark policy and Debian's free-software licensing policy.
11 Oct
"The discovery, made by a National Geographic team 100 years after the mountaineer vanished with George Mallory, could add new clues to one of the great unsolved adventure mysteries of all time."