Latest bookmarks (page 1 of 88)
15h ago
Key lesson: document all your firewall/access changes, even if they’re only intended to be temporary!
13 Sep
"a chill, friendly and open event for anyone who'd like to make progress on their small web project(s) to join and share ideas, trade tips, and post progress."
13 Sep
"From the very earliest times, we can see evidence that people who were unable to function were helped, looked after and given what care was available."
11 Sep
"One of my technological indulgences is that I upgrade my phone yearly, and for the last several years this means I get whatever the newest iteration of the Pixel phone from Google is. This year it&…"
10 Sep
"The scattered toponyms that delight us by their unvarnished expression of downheartedness, defeat and despond."
10 Sep
2023...this feels like it was longer ago than 1 1/2 years, but it's not like time means anything anymore.
10 Sep
“If you truly loved pop music in the 1960s… there was no ducking the choice and no cop-out third option,” one writer remarked. “You could dance with them both,” but there could never be any doubt about which one you’d take home.