Latest bookmarks (page 18 of 95)

17 Jul
Photo by Sigurður Stefnisson of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull eruption in Iceland.
17 Jul
"As months go by, incidents where Threads consistently failed to uphold its understood promise of a better-moderated Twitter-like platform have added up. Today, for many non-white, non-straight, non-male users, it is a repulsive social media experience, where their voices are silenced and where hate speech offenders who target them go unpunished."
16 Jul
"Get more out of your password manager by following these best practices."
16 Jul
"What all of this suggests is that people...engage in whatever type of reasoning serves their purpose on any particular topic."
16 Jul
"Yes. It finally worked 😀 What I did on the old server: sudo apt autoremove #free up a little space for the backup sudo apt clean #free up a little more! sudo nextcloud.export -abc #backup apps, databse, and configs, but not files (since there was no space left on the server for duplicating all the files) What I did on the new server: sudo snap install nextcloud scp -pr <username>@<old_VPS_IP_address>:/var/snap/nextcloud/common/ /var/snap/nextcloud/common/ #copy files directly from t..."
16 Jul
"Many of the large projects survive on the contingent largess of corporations, but how long will that last? Those that aren’t directly funded exist mainly because developer salaries are so inflated that the people maintaining them can afford to spend their time on something that’s a pure cost to them. Neither of those things are viable in the long term "
15 Jul
Sticker print shop that's been recommended by several people.
13 Jul
"Dancers at Glasgow's SWG3 are doing more than work up a sweat. They're helping drive a world-first power system."