Latest bookmarks (page 23 of 95)

19 Jun
Archived link to article by Amit Singh of KernelThread. It looks like he incorporated it into the first chapter of a book on Mac OS X and released that chapter online, but both kernelthread and the book's website are no longer up.
18 Jun
Consensus is to use minimum legit date - ex. "1953:08:01 00:00:00" for August 1953.
Technically spaces are allowed for the unknown parts ("1953:08: : : "), but the poster isn't sure about compatibility with other tools. XMP tags allow leaving out the unknown parts, so "1953-08" would be valid
18 Jun
Interesting look at pre-colonial land management and the impact of small, controlled burns.
18 Jun
"The following applies to minimal websites that focus primarily on text. It does not apply to websites that have a lot of non-textual content."
"My hope is for readers to consider a subset of this page the next time they build a website, and address the trade-offs they make when they deviate."
18 Jun
Making paint with structural color instead of pigment
17 Jun
Way back when Instagram (before Metastasis) first introduced their Android app and the iPhone-only userbase freaked out about *those* people being on Instagram
15 Jun
"We are all human. We all make mistakes. This is true of everyone, including leaders in free software communities.We often end up needing to apologize after we hurt another person. Harming someone with your words or actions is mortifying and embarrassing.Your first reaction may be to explain your reasoning — why you did what you did. You understandably want to explain that you didn’t intend to cause harm."
11 Jun
"Yaupon tea, a botanical cousin to yerba maté, is now almost unknown."