Latest bookmarks (page 26 of 95)

31 May
"The documents detail data collected by Google."
30 May
"First, download a ROM from this Russian message board. It’s okay! You can totally verify the GPG signature. Allow yourself 30 minutes to remember how GPG works, then verify that forum poster…"
30 May
Great demo of devious design patterns. All you have to do to win the game is click through 29 questions without agreeing to the terms and conditions...
Also, if you're a webdev, don't do these things.
30 May
Breaking a monopoly by creating a compatible product, redirecting the network effect. The specific case: how Samba connected Macs & Linux servers to Windows networks. But legal changes make that sort of thing harder now.
30 May
Full-plate bronze armor made based on artifacts, tested by marines trained in historical combat techniques.
28 May
February 2017: "A recent letter in The Oregonian compares a politician's claim to tell "alternative facts" to the inventions of science fiction. The comparison won't work. We fiction writers make up stuff. Some of it clearly impossible, some of it realistic, but none of it real - all invented, imagined -- and we call it fiction because it isn't fact. We may call some of it "alternative history" or "an alternate universe," but make absolutely no pretense that our fictions are "alternative facts.""
28 May
Weird headline, but apparently it made sense at the time because the mafia had actually been shaking down the artichoke business.
28 May
"In most time-lapse videos of the night sky, the camera is fixed relative to the Earth, to the horizon, and — as they do to our senses, should we take notice for long enough — the stars in the sky move seemingly inexorably from east to west. Instead, though, Brummel turned the frame around, keeping the camera fixed on a spot in the sky, and, moreover, rotating the camera to match the sky’s orientation. Thus, as it more truly would be from outside our planet, we see the Earth’s motion, the horizon rotating as the Earth spins."
28 May
"It turns out, though, that when your reality is based on actual reality, it’s a lot more stable and resilient, because you don’t have to be so vigilant about what you’re going to filter out."