Latest bookmarks (page 30 of 95)

19 May
"Here are some of the bonkers ideas that misguided geniuses have come up with to save us all (even if they had to kill every last one of us to do it)."
Including hippos in the Mississippi
18 May
2019: "Everything’s better with an egg on (or in) it."
18 May
"Everyone in the tech world claims to love interoperability—the technical ability to plug one product or service into another product or service—but interoperability covers a lot of territory, and depending on what's meant by interoperability, it can do a lot, a little, or nothing at all to protect..."
18 May
"The internet is increasingly used to gain knowledge and understanding of a topic. This knowledge is often acquired accidentally, as a byproduct of browsing. Critical internet use is becoming social."
18 May
"Moore's Delicatessen, a favorite haunt of Hollywood animators who drew on its walls, was just shy of its 10-year anniversary when COVID-19 shut it down."
18 May
"UI/UX design can contribute to feelings of anxiety and panic. Read how urgency, unpredictability, powerlessness, and sensationalism play a role."
18 May
"No international borders, no international order—and yet, most land borders are not very old: more than half were drawn after 1900."