Latest bookmarks (page 36 of 95)

25 Apr
W3C's ordered-lists vs. documenting legal codes via metafilter
25 Apr
"iCloud is, when you think about it, kind of a thankless service. At its best you don’t notice it—everything, in the unofficial mantra of Apple dating back decades, just works..."
25 Apr
On the Scrollbars are Becoming a Problem article.
25 Apr
"A forb or phorb is a herbaceous flowering plant that is not a graminoid "
Well, that clears it up.
25 Apr
"On fediverse apps like Mastodon, Pixelfed and (soon) Threads, content is federated — but identity isn’t. We look at potential solutions."
24 Apr
"Seconds-long periods of sleep, known as “microsleep,” are common during mundane tasks like driving. While these unintended brain naps can be difficult to control, getting adequate sleep is the key to preventing them."
24 Apr
Remember this one from 2019?
I was already disappointed that WaPo went with the clickbait “horns” headline (bone spurs are more accurate). Turns out the research linking skull bone spurs to mobile phone usage is full of holes to begin with.
24 Apr
"So what does Jekyll have that we could build upon?
One useful feature is the ability to process 'site data' held in YML files as a data source for generating content via the Liquid templating language."
24 Apr
"We heard from Southern Californians about their favorite gardens to visit, and share some of our own."