Latest bookmarks (page 5 of 115)
14 Feb
"As the Aedyran envoy, you've been sent to investigate and quell the Dreamscourge, a spreading plague that is poisoning the minds of people and beasts throughout the Living Lands. But the citizens you encounter there don't see you as the stock-standard brave hero chosen by providence to save them from an ongoing disaster. Instead, you're viewed first and foremost as a representative of the same occupying force that has had its metaphorical boot on their necks for years."
14 Feb
"Burning in woman’s legs turned out to be slug parasites migrating to her brain"
eeeew Sorry that Postmarks doesn't have content warnings.
eeeew Sorry that Postmarks doesn't have content warnings.
14 Feb
"And the real problem isn’t that left-leaning media is untrustworthy—it’s that conservative media has never fully committed to journalism in the same way. Most of the sources MRC attacks as “leftist” are primarily focused on reporting, while many of the right-wing outlets it defends are commentary-driven. This has been a defining characteristic of conservative media for decades."
14 Feb
List of projects maintaining official Chromium releases on various Linux distros.
This is where I found the link to the Chrome vs Chromium comparison. And I didn't find this one by searching for it either: it was linked from the Chrome download page for Google's official Debian and RPM packages. Which I only looked at because the Flatpak for Chrome isn't official, which I only looked at because I wanted to compare some of the Chrome settings to the ones in Chromium.
This is where I found the link to the Chrome vs Chromium comparison. And I didn't find this one by searching for it either: it was linked from the Chrome download page for Google's official Debian and RPM packages. Which I only looked at because the Flatpak for Chrome isn't official, which I only looked at because I wanted to compare some of the Chrome settings to the ones in Chromium.
14 Feb
The state of web search these days is so bad that I could not find this document on an official Google Chromium project site when I was looking for it a few days ago even though I knew the information had to exist. Instead I found a lot of "articles," all padded for SEO, many that looked like they were probably AI-generated, none of which looked authoritative or particularly trustworthy.
I just happened to stumble on a link to it when I wanted to double-check the current state of official Chrome packages for Linux.
I just happened to stumble on a link to it when I wanted to double-check the current state of official Chrome packages for Linux.
13 Feb
"The Trump administration has swiftly graduated from trying to weaponize internal payment systems (the Department of Treasury systems that allow the federal government to pay monies across its different parts, and to the outside world). Now it is trying to weaponize external payments too. It has seized back $80 million that was paid to New York, and is now trying to do the same with $20 billion paid out by the Environment Protection Agency. This is money that was already paid out by the federal government, and is now sitting in other entities’ regular bank accounts. The Trump administration wants to get the banks where the accounts are located (Citibank is the one we know about) to reverse these payments."
13 Feb
"Mark Hibbett was doing some of his doctoral research on Dr. Doom, trying to define what makes Dr. Doom as a character regarless of what medium he appears in or who is creating it. "
13 Feb
"Unsurprisingly, the beverage tastes a lot like drinking a Christmas tree."
Unlike the trees, this also prevented scurvy.
Unlike the trees, this also prevented scurvy.
13 Feb
"Viruses that infected our ancestors provided the genetic foundations for many of the traits that define us."