Latest bookmarks (page 42 of 95)

30 Mar
"After several years of litigation across the federal appellate courts, the U.S. Supreme Court in a unanimous opinion has finally crafted a test that lower courts can use to determine whether a government official engaged in “state action” such that censoring individuals on the official’s social..."
30 Mar
"From lecture notes on astronomy compiled by the monk Magister Wolfgang de Styria before the year 1490. The top panels clearly illustrate the necessary geometry for a lunar (left) and solar eclipse in the Earth-centered Ptolemaic system. At lower left is a diagram of the Ptolemaic view of the Solar System with text at the upper right to explain the movement of the planets according to Ptolemy's geocentric model. At the lower right is a chart to calculate the date of Easter Sunday in the Julian calendar. The illustrated manuscript page was found at historic Melk Abbey in Austria."
30 Mar
"Malicious code planted in xz Utils has been circulating for more than a month."
27 Mar
(2020): "Conway, co-creator of The Punisher, organized the fundraiser for Black Lives Matter as a response to police appropriation of The Punisher's skull symbol."
27 Mar
"In Punisher #14, the gun-toting vigilante tears into some officers who want to take a selfie with him. "You help people. I gave that up a long time ago.""
27 Mar
2020 article: "Elite lawbreaking is outof control. This is the grotesque story of an existential threat to American society."
27 Mar
Proposal (back in 2018) to make various AP servers also work as clients so you can publish, for example, using Pixelfed's image uploading, but have the post appear on your main account as Mastodon
25 Mar
"Those who don’t remember the web before platforms, tend to believe that for 10 years web users stared at their monitors in anticipation. Actually they were made to believe it. First by Web 2.0 proponents, and nowadays by aggressive Web3 campaigns that rewrite the history by stating that Web1 was a dull, passive, read only place. Though, the opposite was the truth, the web before platformization was the place where users owned, wrote and also read."
25 Mar
"I'm Veronica and I explain things! I make videos on PeerTube/YouTube and occasionally write about stuff here. I also sell channel merch here, and that's the primary way I fund all the videos."
23 Mar
"Welcome to a new weekly rewatch of J. Michael Straczynski's groundbreaking science fiction series!"