Latest bookmarks (page 59 of 95)

31 Jan
"An entire section of the night sky that includes Orion was photographed rising above Śnieżka, a mountain on the border between Poland and the Czech Republic. The long duration exposure sequence brings up many faint features including the Orion and Flame Nebulas, both encompassed by the curving Barnard's Loop. The featured wide-angle camera composite also captured night sky icons including the blue Pleiades star cluster at the image top and the red Rosette Nebula to the left of Orion. Famous stars in the frame include Sirius, Betelgeuse, Rigel and Aldebaran." Photo by Marcin Ślipko
31 Jan
"Locally mirror commenters' Gravatar or Mastodon profile images."
instead of pinging Gravatar on every page load
31 Jan
Jamie Zawinski in 1997, paraphrasing David Tillbrook around 1985, whose quote about AWK was used as a signature by John Myers as early as 1988.
30 Jan
4096 cores, or smooth full-screen video?
30 Jan
List at AlternativeTo.
(Wait, why the heck is Brave in that list????)
30 Jan
"History of checkboxes and radio buttons in user interfaces"
30 Jan
"A list of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for Android – saving Freedom and Privacy."