Latest bookmarks (page 76 of 96)

15 Dec 2023
"500 Years of Science, Reason & Critical Thinking via the medium of gross over simplification, dodgy demarcation, glaring omission and a very tiny font."
15 Dec 2023
"in recent decades the presence of major life-taking famines has diminished significantly and abruptly as compared to earlier eras. This is not in anyway to underplay the very real risk facing the roughly 80 million people currently living in a state of crisis-level food insecurity and therefore requiring urgent action. Nevertheless, the parts of the world that continue to be at risk of famine represent a much more limited geographic area than in previous eras, and those famines that have occurred recently have typically been far less deadly"
15 Dec 2023
"New favourite example of reduplication: Moons can have moons and they are called moonmoons. "
15 Dec 2023
"There’s a book out there that’s either one of the last great unsolved cyphers or a massive medieval hoax. Welcome to the weird world of the Voynich Manuscript. And no, it isn’t solved yet."
- Short comic strip by Andy Warner
14 Dec 2023
"This research exposes how much data Google is collecting about consumers and their most personal habits across all of its products."
14 Dec 2023
"After breaking trains simply because an independent repair shop had worked on them, NEWAG is now demanding that trains fixed by hackers be removed from service."
14 Dec 2023
"Simple Mobile Tools - a suite of applications initially designed because the developers hated how default apps on various devices were privacy-invasive, needed unnecessary permissions and more - is in the process of being bought by ZipoApps.
ZipoApps is a company which makes no original products. They have bought up various apps - including one which's previous developer I quite respected, Powershade - and started bloating them with advertisements and turning them into freemium-apps with subscription models."
13 Dec 2023
Tips on protecting computers from lightning, from the SANS Internet Storm Center
13 Dec 2023
"french artist invader uses the rubik's cube like an artist uses paint."