Latest bookmarks (page 52 of 95)

23 Feb
Yep. It's just stirring a bigger pile now.
21 Feb
"This specification defines a privacy-preserving way to measure clicks that result in cross-site navigations, such as ad clicks that result in a purchase or a sign-up."
A proposal to limit click reporting in a way that it can't be used for more general tracking of users and their activity.
21 Feb
"What heretical software features can you imagine that would never fly at a growth oriented company but could totally work on free open source social media?
For example, algorithmic timelines are one way to deal with information overload. But what if instead your software offered suggestions for people to unfollow (this person posts a lot and you hardly ever interact with them)? Not necessarily a good idea but it's an idea we could implement that would NEVER happen on Twitter, Facebook, etc"
21 Feb
"“Weird Al” Yankovic has always been as much video as radio star, as familiar a face during the heyday of MTV as the many stars he was parodying. So naturally, it seems like it would be an easy transition to movie stardom—yet history simply hasn’t borne that out."
21 Feb
"spanning an angle over five times the diameter of the full moon and over 200 light years...mostly red-glowing hydrogen gas"
Composite of photos by Dheera Venkatraman
20 Feb
Image gallery of photo-realistic social media silos as dying storefronts or malls.