Latest bookmarks (page 8 of 115)
8 Feb
“when has the entertainment industry ever proposed something good for consumers or the internet?”
-- still a good question 10 years later.
-- still a good question 10 years later.
7 Feb
"I don't want to be your enemy. I don't want you to be my enemy. Can we talk? Please? We're at a crossroads in our nation. No matter what happens now, we can never go back to the way things were before. But it's not too late to make a future together that's better, not worse. Please, I am begging "
7 Feb
"It feels like too often we are bound to think about what’s possible in the framing of what businesses think is possible"
"we are building tools that are built for growth hacks and scamming VCs out of their money because we don’t read them properly. Because we just take what’s there and make it open source."
"we are building tools that are built for growth hacks and scamming VCs out of their money because we don’t read them properly. Because we just take what’s there and make it open source."
6 Feb
"A deep dive into HTML whitespace collapsing: How it works, why it sucks, how it should work, and how to deal with it." - Devel without a Cause
5 Feb
2009: "Remember when Tim Drake was a skinny little dork? And Superboy was even skinnier and dorkier? And Wonder Girl and Impulse were the skinniest and dorkiest of all? And they hung out together having skinny, dorky adventures? I looked Red Robin #1 over and honestly – who the hell is this guy"