Latest bookmarks (page 9 of 115)

3 Feb
Guide to getting LibreWolf and KeePassXC to talk to each other when one or both are installed through flatpak
31 Jan
"Should one not ask of any public project or loan whether it: (1) promotes justice; (2) restores reciprocity; (3) confers divisible or indivisible benefits; (4) favours people over machines; (5) whether its strategy maximizes gain or minimizes disaster; (6) whether conservation is favoured over waste; and (7), whether the reversible is favoured over the irreversible? The last item is obviously important. Considering that most projects do not work out as planned, it would be helpful if they proceeded in a way that allowed revision and learning, that is, in small reversible steps."
30 Jan
"Imagine you’re a Weimar university of 1925 trying to most indelibly poison your institution’s image for the prospect of Nazis in 1933 in a way that can’t be walked back. Imagine you’re trying to make the Martin Heideggers of tomorrow absolutely stuck with layers and layers of anti-Nazi messaging that will take them years to root out and overcome. Ask for it to be chiseled in the cornerstones and in the endowed names of buildings. Pretend we are all Kevin McAllister and we are going to set all the traps against tomorrow’s authoritarian accomplices that we can devise: legal restrictions, unbreakable contracts, requirements for a majority of living alumni to approve certain changes."
30 Jan
"So here's a meme generator that only uses medieval cat images that are in the public domain."
30 Jan
"A home for everyone's blog and post rolls."
30 Jan
2007: remember when software came on 3½-inch floppy disks? Or 5¼″? Just for fun, someone split the Firefox installer across 5 disks, complete with appropriate labels… and even took it a step farther.
30 Jan
2007 article on the then-state-of-the art of photorealistic computer animation, from Final Fantasy through Polar Express to Pirates of the Caribbean and Beowulf. As pointed out, one reason that Davy Jones worked so well is that he doesn’t look human.
28 Jan
"Eight years later, you still can’t beat a Pebble"